"Sports unite the nation, Sports dignify the nation's heritage"
National Sports Day has become an event of the year at the institute. This year National Sports Day was celebrated on 31 October 2023. The Institute has done something different this year where sports events and games are themed on traditional sports. Among the sports that are contested are Water Balloon Chopsticks, Coconut Bowling, Batu Seremban And Bean Bag, Anak Raja, Adhesive Tire Marbles, Cloth Pull, Coconut Shell and Rope Pull. This year also for the first time the distribution of participant groups has been arranged randomly where each group consists of a combination of staff and students from various courses. This combination is intended to give students the opportunity to get to know staff and students from other departments including staff from the administration department. The participants have been divided into 10 groups which are red, blue, yellow, black, white, green, purple, pink, orange and brown. The sports event that was contested took place very lively with the laughter of the participants. The determination of the participants to finish the competition by putting in stunts enlivened the atmosphere on the day. In support of the aspiration of unity, indeed this event has succeeded in bringing together students and staff from various races and at a time that also dignifies the nation's heritage through traditional games that are contested.
Honorable Visit Ceremony of YB Tuan Seruandi Saad Member of the National Assembly to the MyFutureJobs Perkeso UTC Perlis Center
The Honorable Visit Ceremony of YB Tuan Seruandi Saad, Member of the National Assembly, to the MyFutureJobs Center of the Society at UTC Kangar and also the Plaque & Souvenir Presentation Ceremony from the Society to ILP Kangar for the Cooperation in organizing the Career Day of the Society of Perlis.
Short Term Course CNC EDM Die Sinker and CNC Grinding Machine
The Short Term Course in Machining Technology Workshop (CNC) for CNC EDM Die Sinker and CNC Grinding Machines has lasted for 3 days from October 10, 2023 to October 12, 2023. There are 30 students and 2 teachers from Alor Star Vocational College who attended this course . This hands-on course is taught by Mr. Zulkarnain Bin Ibrahim, an expert in his field.
North Zone Student Representative Council (MPP) Ukwah Tour Program 2023
The 2023 North Zone Student Representative Council (MPP) Ukwah Tour Program (ILP Kangar, ILP Jitra & ILP Ipoh) on 27/9/2023 held at ILP Jitra.